David Jones

David Jones - Mother's Day 2021

Dashing joined forces with David Jones to develop this beautiful Mother’s Day campaign. This year they are applauding all mums, by celebrating making time for fun and being in the moment.

With this concept in mind, they have engaged Ana Strumpf, a Brazilian illustrator known for her quirky collage works and which has graced the covers of international publications like Vogue, Harper Bazaar, and Rolling Stone. Ana’s works evoke fun and playfulness. The result was wonderful, using die-cut props we were able to bring the illustrations to life, transforming the stores and enhancing the customer experience.


We were briefed to produce items that could be used in future projects, aligning with the RE-commerce sustainable ideal. We’ve considered weight, durability, and stability before creating all freestanding and hanging versions of the elements. The campaign rolled out to fifty stores; consisting of all printed collateral plus bespoke die-cut illustrated flowers and stars, floor and window decals. Additionally, we’ve sourced EVA foam material offshore to design and produce over five hundred 3D Chrysanthemum flower props, which were installed at DJ’s flagship stores.


*Mannequins not supplied by Dashing. 

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